InterBase/Firebird Firebird database driver v2.1.0 for the Laravel Framework v5.5+ (PHP v7.1+, Firebird v2.5)


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Firebird database driver v2.1.0 for the Laravel Framework v5.5+ (PHP v7.1+, Firebird v2.5)
Lavravel: The PHP Framework for Web Artisans official site:

This package adds support for the Firebird PDO driver in Laravel applications. Support for Laravel 5.5+ (including 6 & 7) with PHP 7.1+ and Firebird 2.5

Installation: You can install the package via composer: composer require harrygulliford/laravel-firebird - The package will automatically register itself.

Declare the connection within your config/database.php file, using firebird as the driver:
'connections' => [

    'firebird' => [
        'driver'   => 'firebird',
        'host'     => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
        'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', '/path_to/database.fdb'),
        'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'sysdba'),
        'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', 'masterkey'),
        'charset'  => env('DB_CHARSET', 'UTF8'),
        'role'     => null,
To register this package in Lumen, you'll also need to add the following line to the service providers in your config/app.php file: $app->register(\Firebird\FirebirdServiceProvider::class);

Credits: This package was originally forked from acquestvanzuydam/laravel-firebird with enhancements from sim1984/laravel-firebird.

License: Licensed under the MIT licence.

download versions: harrygulliford/laravel-firebird - Packagist
