Releases Delphi distributives


Staff member
MMX Code Explorer v15.0.15.2380 for Delphi 10 /10.1 /10.2 /10.3
by Uwe Raabe
more info
  • Award winning Refactoring Browser with Delphi Pascal support.
  • Integrated with Delphi 10 – 10.3 Rio (previous versions supported until V13).
  • Improve the design of existing code with build-in refactorings
  • Instant, two-way navigation.
  • Point-and-click, drag-and-drop programming.
  • IntelliReplace™ propagates renames in code.
  • Create and edit classes, members and procedures.
  • Instantly copy, paste and on-the-fly convert classes, methods, properties etc. even between classes and modules.
  • Use Entity Insight™ to change attributes for (multiple) selected members.
  • Rearrange and Sort code, maintaining region definitions.
  • Improve Navigation with History, Method Favorites and Member Search Bar
  • Live Documentation support
  • Live Metrics™
  • Source Indexer
  • IDE Editor Refactorings bring refactorings right in the Editor.
MMX Code Explorer v15.0.15.2380 for Delphi 10 /10.1 /10.2 /10.3



Staff member
Delphi 10.4 ListView, TClientDataSet BUG in Android 10 - RSP-29482 - PATCHED!
Delphi 10.4 ListView, TClientDataSet bug in Android 10

Please help to solve the following problems, thank you.

1. The user executes the app compiled by 10.4 Sydney on Android 10. The text size of ListView executed in the first time is too small, and the text size executed in the second time is normal, please see the attached screenshot.

2. The user uses the TClientDataSet to select the "Midas Library" file, and an error will occur when it is used, please see the attached screenshot.
"Unable to load Midas due to missing code page conversion library."



Hi, is there possibility to export .slip license file without reinstalla and patch RAD STudio 10.x ? All keygen are considered as virus/malware and I have no possibility to suspend antivirus. Thks


Staff member
Hi, is there possibility to export .slip license file without reinstalla and patch RAD STudio 10.x ? All keygen are considered as virus/malware and I have no possibility to suspend antivirus. Thks
look, beyond the License file the Keygen do the Patch of BDS.EXE to recognize..

you can try IMPORT IT using LicenseNanager.... but not guaratee.
try use the EXISTENT LICENSE WHEN REINSTALL YOUR RAD if you dont delete the folders Embarcadero PROGRAMDATA, APPDATA\..., LOCAL OR ROAMMING of your current user on mswin


Staff member
Hi, is there possibility to export .slip license file without reinstalla and patch RAD STudio 10.x ? All keygen are considered as virus/malware and I have no possibility to suspend antivirus. Thks
Hi @kasparov (the Chess King)
really new Keygen download here CAN SHOW like Trojan or Any. similar virus, but for me use is FALSE-POSITIVE.
I have use keygen by me and works ok
of course, you dont need believe me


Hi, I could be wonderful if I was him ( Kasparov the Chess King) but I'm not.
The keygen is perfect for me ( is a false positive virus) but I should Install Rad Studio 10.4 in a pc with Symantec installed with no possibility to switch off it because it's a corporate pc.



Staff member
RAD Studio 10.4 Patch 2
RSP-29628 VCL Grids bug
RSP-29560 [REGRESSION] Misalignment in TStringGrid, StretchDraw method in OnDrawCell
RSP-29412 Compiler generates incorrect code for if-then
RSP-29402 Delphi 10.4 TStringGrid.OnDrawCell bug
RSP-29374 Wrong rect coords in TStringGridDrawCell, so image are drawn at wrong position
RSP-29347 [DelphiLSP] IDE Crashes when view form as text is selected and running LSP server
RSP-29310 Internal error L891 when linking because of complex types based on records with class var
RSP-29299 CODEGEN bug in managed fields initialization, associated with new management operators.
RSP-29271 [DelphiLSP] Code Insight adds unneeded () when changing procedures/functions
RSP-29256 Compiler generates wrong code for template function
RSP-29227 Incorrect property value obtained from the record
RSP-29226 Access violation with working code under 10.2
RSP-29218 compiling static library under Android error E4620 processing resource .fmx -2 raised
RSP-29172 Access Violation when opening License Manager
RSP-29142 GoTo statements not working
RSP-29136 Dialog constantly pops up during debugging
RSP-29129 iOS App simply crashes with a TWebBrowser on it.
RSP-29127 Compiler internal error if you ignore the result of a function that returns a generic record
RSP-29124 ICE E1812
RSP-28989 License Manager has access violation error when i click on Workstation Licenses
RSP-28887 Space does not finish code completion
RSP-28857 Default(T) generates bad code for managed record
RSP-28821 [Regression] TStringGrid.OnDrawCell parameter Rect contains wrong values
RSP-28808 Project options dialog page "Delphi Compiler" is not populated when opening the dialog
RSP-28796 RVO for M-records: initialisation of local variables
RSP-28761 [REGRESSION] E2154 Type 'T' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record
RSP-28737 Compiler error when inlining new Bit Counting Standard Functions
RSP-28735 Managed Records Causing Internal Compiler Error
RSP-28717 Delphi Package fails to compile
RSP-28701 Bind visually on TDBGRID kills the IDE
RSP-28669 [BadCG] Value M-record parameters: improper AddRefRecord
RSP-28659 RVO for M-records: assignment to local variables
RSP-28616 [BadCG] Operator Assign should not allow non-default calling conventions
RSP-28615 [BadCG] In the absence of Initialize, finalisation is not guaranteed for local variables
RSP-28552 Poor code generation for local managed record variables
RSP-28499 Options - Translation tools - Font - Corrupted?
RSP-28476 LSP ErrorInsight in Structure Pane only shows one keystroke after editor
RSP-28400 [BadCG] Operator Assign is not always invoked for fields
RSP-28372 [Regression] Bad codegen in function returning generic type
RSP-27268 C++ Builder 10.3.3 Android Exceptions
RSP-27251 Internal error when trying to inline with optimization on
RSP-24079 Package version is broken
RSP-23403 Build for linux 64 error
RSP-23024 Record helper class constructor gives senseless compiler warning
RSP-22318 Pointer type check missed when object field is a dynarray
RSP-21554 Compiler generates incorrect code for parameterized record type
RSP-21248 Const dynamic array unexpectedly contains uninitialized data
RSP-20372 A generic "reference to function" will only match the first of several overloaded functions
RSP-19714 Win32 compiler - Memory corruption with array helpers
RSP-18241 *.c source files, added to C++ project, got added to DeploymentManager file list
RSP-18148 AV in TList<T>.Remove (64-bit compiler only)
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Staff member
10.4 Patch 1 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise)
10.4 Patch 2 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise) (14)
10.4 Patch 2 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect (13)
10.4 Patch 2 (C++Builder Enterprise) (12)
10.4 Patch 2 (C++Builder Enterprise) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect (11)
10.4 Patch 2 (Professional) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect (10)

10.4 Patch 2 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise)
10.4 Patch 2 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect
10.4 Patch 2 (C++Builder Enterprise)
10.4 Patch 2 (C++Builder Enterprise) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect
10.4 Patch 2 (Professional) with bds.exe and coreide270.bpl from Architect
RAD Studio 10.4 Patch 2 addresses a number of issues in RAD Studio 10.4.
It is fairly large to download (around 190 MB). More details in the readme file.
Requires Patch 1 installation.

About Patch RAD 10.4 Sydney install and notes:

***************** USER...
What patch of 5 and how you used?
I just unpack to Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0 folder with replace contetnt from 10.4 Patch 2 (Delphi and RAD Enterprise) and all work fine.
If you use patch2.bat to install patch, then try use patch2uninstall.bat to restore previous files and use solution above.

***************** USER...
I appy this patch:


I just extract and running patch.bat... ok i will try your advice

***************** USER...
After test with "SOLUTION" (second link) by @KostyantynX IDE start ok, but after try compile any project
get error: Compiler for personality "Delphi.Personality" and platform "Win32" missing or unavailable.

----> "SOLUTION"
SHFolder.dll optimized library for LicenseManager.exe
Patch_2_13 with BDS.exe SHFolder.dll library supported.
BDS.exe is now Architect, see in a file Properties.


***************** USER...
Thanks brother...

***************** USER...
Did you success compile for android 32 or 64bit? i have success compile for win32 and win64 but problem for android 32 or 64...

***************** USER...
Not tested. What error?

***************** USER...
I had no error like this before
I had no error like this before.png
***************** USER...
Now tested Android 32 - compiled successful.
Judging by the your error, the problem with installing the application itself.
Try just build project.

***************** USER...
Thank brother problem in my android sdk... your solution very easy and working for me...

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