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  1. G

    ПОЛЕЗНОЕ ДЛЯ ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (кисти, actions и т.п.)

    Brushes viewer Sorry not a plugin but e very good freeware abrViewer.NET 2.0 last version. New version 2.0. With it you can see, install, capture the sets, export them as thumbs and manage all the brushes in .abr files so you can preview them before to install. Info and download...
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    SuperSpeed RamDisk / RamDisk Plus

    This link is OK :) _
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    Photoshop plugins

    Digital Film Tools EZ Mask v1.01 EZ Mask is an easy to use interactive image masking tool capable of extracting almost any object in an image--even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is known as a mask--essentially a...
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    Photoshop plugins

    Digital Film Tools 55mm 7.0 Digital Film Tools has released 55mm version 7.0. 55mm is a set of digital optical filters for After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Avid and Photoshop. New plug-ins include: Chromatic Aberration Color Infrared Cool Mist Defringe Fog Split Tone Three...