Recent content by Sarracino

  1. S

    Rad studio 10.2 tokyo release 3 is now available !

    Yes, you can install directly 10.2.3. The iso is full install and update also
  2. S

    Why .net is slow

    and the libraries are all dynamics and very small... you can try to exclude in your av program the .net fw dir
  3. S

    Ques/Help/Req How i can connect andriod with php

    Your goal is to write a PHP website to connect an android device or to write an app in PHP language (PHP on Android)?
  4. S

    Is Delphi Dead ?

    Pascal is a language very powerfull, and we will see if Borland, Embarcadero or any else made a modern compiler not only for Win32
  5. S

    Adobe Photoshop (все версии)

    Any Adobe Photoshop Extended Italian version ?